Aug 23-24


  • A Matter of Perspective
  • Modes of Discourse Small Group (1A)
  • "Hunting Octopus in the Gilbert Islands"
  • The Name Game (if time permits)

Note: I will be absent 1A on Tuesday, August 27. You will still have a quiz, and your homework is still due.


  • Syllabus Signature due on Google Form by August 23/26
  • Read the following in Readings for Writers by August 26/27. and Be prepared for a short answer quiz.

1. "My Name is Margaret" Maya Angelou

3. Read Either "Body Image" by Cindy Maynard or "Hell" by James Joyce

For each reading selection, answer the following questions on Classroom:

1. What was the author’s purpose/message in this passage?

2. What was the primary mode in this piece?

3. How did the choice of mode help develop the argument? Give specific evidence to support your reasoning.

4. Where there any secondary modes? If so, how did that mode help develop and contribute to the overall argument?

  • Multiple Choice Diagnostic Test 70 minutes August 27/28. Don't worry about preparing, just come in and do your best work!

RHETORICAL MODES reverse engineering activity instructions.docx