Whakakaupapa Learning Focus:

Countdown to Camp - Camp Meal Menu

Senior Team Timetable

Countdown to Camp

Click the image to see a REAL TIME countdown clock.

Camp Meal Menu

The Task

Option A:

Make a copy of these slides

Rename (with your initials at the start of the title)

Option B: 

Ask your teacher for a photocopy of the Figure It Out page

Cut and paste your food selections onto a blank A3 page.

Camp Fundraising

There are many ways we need to raise money for camp. 

We need to let others know what we are doing. 

Bake Sale - Wednesday Week 9

Pizza Slice Friday Week 9

2pm - Room 4 - $2 per slice

Pizza Slice Wednesdays

2pm - Room 4 - $2 per slice

Midwinter Disco

Friday 26 August Week 5

5:30 - 7pm

Development Process

1: Brainstorm/Plan

2: Draft Version

3: Peer Feedback

4: Publish/Present

El Rancho Images


Where is Camp? What is around El Rancho?

Write your own Shape Poem

My Camp Predictions

Open a new Google slides doc and answer the following questions.

How well do you know your Chromebook?

Click this link

Make a Copy

Everything in life requires balance.

Healthy eating. Screen-time. Physical Activity.

Click on the image to visit the website to experiment with creating balancing mobiles.

Can you create your own for others to try?