This half term we have begun to explore the Great Fire of London to support both our informative and descriptive writing in English. We have read our new key text "Mary and the Great Fire of London" and will be using this to rewrite our own setting description. Swan Class have really enjoyed researching and learning about the events and effects of the Great Fire of London and are keen to find out more!

In Science, we have started our new topic of Living Things and Habitats. We began by exploring the concept of living, dead and never alive, sorting objects and items into these categories. We also had a look at the MRS GREN acronym to support our understanding of what it means to be alive. Swan class have been able to recall so much previous learning about animals and their habitats so far! 

In Maths we have been developing our knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We are exploring equal groups and repeated addition and how we can represent this using multiplication before we move onto division. Please keep up the TTRockstars practise at home. This half term we are moving onto Geography, looking at hot and cold places around the world, their weather and their habitats within this. We are also going to begin learning about textiles and sewing in DT this half term. 

We had great fun learning about the history of Bonfire Night this week and created some beautiful firework artwork. Swan class had an interesting debate surrounding noisy vs soundless fireworks and the impact that these can have on our local community and wildlife. 

Well done Swans for all your hard work so far. Keep it up!

Mrs Packham 

Home Learning

This year we are continuing our use of Numbots in Year 2. Please access this at least 3 times weekly to build up their fluency and consolidate their learning. 

All children should be aiming to read for at least 10 minutes per day. Do record this in their reading diary as they are monitored. 

Each week your child will bring home a printed list of words to practise spelling at home. 

 At this point in the year there will not be handwriting homework. In Year 2 we are beginning to join up our handwriting and writing in cursive. You may choose to help your child practise this at home.