We have been so busy in Year 4 since half term (which seems a very long time ago already)!

In English we have written our own limericks using similes and are now preparing a persuasive letter based on Danny Chung, using our grammar focus on tense to help us.

In Maths we have moved on from Time into decimals and are learning about hundredths and how to show equivalent decimals and proper fractions.

In Science, we have started our topic on Sound. The children have investigated how sound is made through vibrations and also made their own String Phones using different types of cups/cans.

The children been lucky enough to participate in seed planting with Grow, Cook, Enjoy as well as Bikeability, cricket and football sessions this week (see Sports section). Next week, we start our Swimming Lessons on Wednesdays - please check your emails for details. We have also started to enjoy our fabulous new KS2 play frame!

Grow, Cook, Enjoy - planting  tomato and courgette seeds for our pasta meal.

Sound experiments with vibrations.


Year 4 will be again be taking part in the statutory Multiplication Tables Check in the summer term. All children are expected to know their tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4. Please support your child to become as fluent as possible as this will increase their confidence across every area of Maths. 


Our Homework continues to be Maths and English through Century.  This will be uploaded on Thursdays and due the following Thursday.  Unless we have had a message from parents with a reason, any children who have not completed the Century homework by Thursday morning will be asked to complete this on Thursday during their lunch time.

Please continue to work on Times Tables with your child.  They will be given flash cards for each times table over the next term, so please print these off and practise with your child.   It is very important that they are building up their speed when answering questions, as they need to be able to answer these in under 6 seconds. 

Thank you for supporting your child with their last topic homework on Anglo-Saxons. They look fantastic and lots of hard work has gone into them. Our new topic homework is on our Geography topic, Rivers. This is due on Monday 15th April, just after the Easter break. Details are on Google Classroom.