We ended last half term with two wonderful visits. First we went to the British Wildlife Centre where we were delighted to meet a variety of British woodland animals, such as Basil the fox and Ottermus Prime the otter. We were then extremely lucky to have Harry the hedgehog come and visit us in school. What an exciting experience! 

This half term we have begun to explore some alternative fairy tales. We enjoyed looking through our "Inside the Villains" book and used this to inspire a villain of our own creation, which we wrote up into a character description. We then explored the story of the Three Little Pigs using Now>Press>Play, which really brought the story to life. We enjoyed reading it's humorous alternative, The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig, by ..., and are now planning our own alternative fairy tale to write over the next couple of weeks.

In Science, we are continuing our learning of Animals including Humans, and kicked off the half term with a Now>Press>Play about animals and their adaptations, before moving on to look at humans and keeping healthy. This ties in really well with this half term's PSHE which is all about Healthy Me. 

In Art, this half term, we are exploring expressive painting and have had fun exploring the work of two artists, Marela Zacarías and Charlie French. In History we are looking at the life of Amy Johnson and why she is an important historical figure. We were amazed to find out that she was the first woman to fly solo from London to Australia!

Keep up the great work, Swans!

Mrs Packham 

Home Learning

Please make sure you are reading with your child at least three times each week and recording this in their reading diary. 

Each week Maths homework is set on Century and Spelling homework is set on Google classroom. These must be completed every week. 

In Year 2, we are now starting to write in cursive. Although there is no set handwriting homework, please do encourage your child to practise this at home.