Our new topic this half term is, 'AFRICA'.  We have been reading, 'Lila and the Secret of Rain' in English, a story set in Kenya. The children have been looking at the main character, Lila, and using adjectives and similes to describe her.  In Topic we have been looking at the life of Jane Goodall, who worked for many years in Africa studying chimpanzees.  The children have been thinking about the impact of her life and what her achievements were.  In Maths we have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones.  

We are focusing on freestanding structures in DT this half term. So far the children have looked at the different freestanding structures around the school and investigated walls in more detail! In Science we are exploring human bodies. We have named various parts of the body and are looking at our five senses.   Healthy living forms the theme in PSHE and we have been discussing various ways of keeping healthy.  In PE we are looking at developing the children's ball skills and have been imagining we are clowns in a circus.  

Last half term we were also really lucky to have had a visit from Harry the Hedgehog. The children really enjoying learning more about the life of a hedgehog.