We have had a brilliant couple of weeks since our last Newsletter.

In English we have started a new book, Rhythm of the Rain, which is a beautiful picture book telling the story of the journey of water in the water cycle. We have had some amazing discussions about the illustrations, connecting our ideas to our science and geography lessons.

In Maths we have moved onto Money and have been representing money in words and decimals as well as comparing and rounding up amounts.

In Science, we investigated an environmentally friendly de-icer for British Science Week. We also were lucky enough to visit St John's Science Centre where we took part in Chemistry and Physics lessons. 

The highlight of the past few weeks has undoubtedly been our day trip with Juniper Hall to the Tillingbourne River. We had such a fantastic day and learned so much about meanders and straights and the creatures living in the river (as well as getting very very wet)!

River dipping

Measuring the river width, depth and  and flow.

Chemistry lesson at St John's.

Meandering down the river.

Brown trout from the Tillingbourne.

Finding a lamprey eel!


Year 4 will be again be taking part in the statutory Multiplication Tables Check in the summer term. All children are expected to know their tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4. Please support your child to become as fluent as possible as this will increase their confidence across every area of Maths. 


Our Homework continues to be Maths and English through Century.  This will be uploaded on Thursdays and due the following Thursday.  Unless we have had a message from parents with a reason, any children who have not completed the Century homework by Thursday morning will be asked to complete this on Thursday during their lunch time.

Please continue to work on Times Tables with your child.  There are so many ways they can practise these online as well as on paper, so please try to make time to practise with your child.   It is very important that they are building up their speed when answering questions, as they need to be able to answer these in under 6 seconds. 

Just a reminder that the homework on our Geography topic, Rivers,  is due on Monday 15th April, just after the Easter break. Details are on Google Classroom.