What a busy half term we have had!   This week Puffin's enjoyed visiting ACS in Cobham to watch their performance of Frozen.  Our Science week was a great success with the children learning about how boats have changed over time.  They learnt about the different forces involved in helping a boat move through the water and investigated the various methods of propulsion.   Puffins were very excited to test their model boats out in the sink in the classroom!  

In our recent Maths lessons we have been telling the time on an analogue clock and converting this to 12/24 hour digital time.  Please encourage your children to look at a clock and tell you want the time is so that they can keep practising this skill at home.   During World Book Day Puffins enjoyed coming to school dressed as a book character.  They had a great time sharing books with children in Wrens and being read to by the older children.   

In our English lessons over the past two weeks we have been researching and writing a non-chronological report about an animal that lives in North America.  I know lots of the children carried on this research at home and were keen to tell you everything that they had learnt about their chosen animal. 

For Homework please remind your child they should be reading regularly, using Times Table Rockstars and Century.  Century will suggest work for the children to do but they can also chose activities from the Science, Maths and English curriculums for Year 3.  They are also welcome to use Kaligo at home to support their handwriting. 

Next week, please check the school Twitter for updates from our Residential Trip to Sayers Croft - signal permitting!   I hope you have a fantastic Easter break.  

Mrs Legg