Kingfisher class have really impressed us with their wonderful writing this term. They have been busy writing diary entries in English, imagining they were Lila, from 'Lila and the Secret of Rain'.  They have been thinking about how Lila might have felt at various stages in the story and thinking about different words to express these emotions. We have recently started a new book, 'Zeraffa Giraffa'! This wonderful (true!) story explores the adventures of a Giraffe who was a gift to the King of France in the 1800s. In maths we have been looking at worded problems. The children have had to decide whether addition or subtraction is needed to arrive at the answer.  

Kingfisher Class loved celebrating Science week last week. Our class focus was observations over time, a scientific skill. We observed the changes in chopped up fruit as the week progressed - lots of very mushy and brown specimens by the end of the week! We also looked at what materials could be melted by our body temperature. Skittles were a highlight of the week - we observed what happened to them when we added water and milk to them and observed the changed the changes that occurred.  We also observed dancing raisins and discussed how they could, 'dance'.  

We also had our first class visit to Hobbledown Farm as part of our Science topic, 'Animals Including Humans'. The children got to meet cockroachs, a tortoise and a guinea pig. They also explored the farm getting the opportunity to see meerkats, lemur, rheas, pigs, rabbits, camels and wabbies to name a few. 

We have also been creating freestanding structures this half term. They children have had fun making playground equipment out of art straws and a chair for Goldilocks. In Topic we have been looking at the very inspiring Jane Goodall, who worked with primates in Africa. The children have been looking at the impact she made and how she has helped our understanding of primates and the natrual world. We have been looking at her motivations for studying chimps and her historical significance. 

This has been a great half term and the children have so much to be proud of. Sharing their successes with you at parents evening was wonderful, thank you all for taking the time to come! Next term we have so many wonderful things planned. Including one of Ms Clemson's all time favourite books (The Jolly Postman!) in English. 

Have a lovely Easter everyone! Fingers crossed for glorious sunshine - hope you enjoy the egg hunts and copious amounts of chocolate!