YEAR 4/5

Click here for the Year 4/5 Guide to Home Learning

This week's learning...

In years 4 and 5 this week, we have completed our termly assessments in Maths, Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.  We are very proud of how positively the children approached these tests.  

In English, year 5 have been writing a narrative from the perspective of Bear in 'The Last Bear.'  We have considered what his early life in Svalbard would have been like and why he made the fateful journey to Bear Island.  In Maths, we have concluded our learning on decimals.

Year 4 have planned and written an informal letter from the perspective of Arthur from Arthur and the Golden Rope. In Maths, we concluded our learning on decimals.

In Year 4 and 5 we have enjoyed participating in a range of science activities to celebrate 'Science Week'.  We have been observing changes over time and investigated thermal conductivity. In Geography we have considered how we can help make the oceans healthy.

Upcoming learning...

Next week, year 4 will be moving on to Money in maths, learning how to compare and order amounts of money, as well as rounding money to the nearest £1 and £10. In English, we will be planning and writing a play script linked to Arthur and the Golden Rope. 

Next week, year 5 will be editing their narrative and will then move on to planning a balanced argument on the topic of whether April made the right decision by attempting to take Bear home to Svalbard.  This will include revisiting the use of conjunctions to aid cohesion.  In Maths, we will learn how to write percentages and how to convert simple fractions into percentages.

Next week in Year 4 and 5 we will be making pop up books using our knowledge of sliders and levers. We will also be taking a field trip to a local pond in order to collect data about litter.