Year 3/4

Years 3/4 Homework Choiceboard for Summer 2

Click here for the Year 3/4 Guide to Home Learning

We have been learning...

English - Year 3: This week in English we finished our fact files about our Roman Gods. We also took part in a literacy and art lesson, where we listened to a cultural story and used the audio to create pictures.

Maths - Year 3: This week we started our work on volume. We looked at whether the size of a container can tell us how much liquid it

PE focus for the term - Team Games

RE: This week we looked at ‘The Lord’s Prayer and thought about what it means.

Science: This week we were learning about the different invertebrates. We enjoyed looking at the features of different invertebrate groups classified different invertebrates into their categories.

PSHE - Year 3: This week we have looked at how our body changes on the outside as well as how it changes on the inside.

Year 4: This week we looked at how we deal with changes and investigated how we can use the circle of change to help us to deal with changes we can not control.

Art: This week we took part in a sketching workshop. We went outside to choose a plant or leaf, laid them on our tables to study them and then tried to sketch them to scale before adding colour carefully.

History: This week we looked at Roman towns in Britain. We found out the names of different Roman towns in Britain and where they were and then created quizzes for our friends to complete.

Forest School: This week year 3 were very lucky to have two forest school sessions this week, whilst year 4 were on their residential trip. One of the sessions involved us exploring the school grounds by taking part in a scavenger hunt and trying to find the most unusual thing to share. We also combined forest school and art, as part of ‘Leo Arts Week’ and created some of our own Andy Goldsworthy inspired art work.

Computing: This week we continued to work towards bronze and silver basic skills using Google tools.