Year 2

Click here for the Year 2 Home learning board and here for the Parent guide to Home Learning in KS1.

We have been learning...

Writing - how to write a sea themed poem using onomatopoeia

Reading - to read and respond to a range of poetry

Maths - how to sort data into venn diagrams

Topic - we painted our backgrounds for our coastlines in a box and

Science - we carried out a strength investigation

PSHE - we thought about our likes and dislikes and wrote a poem

RE - we thought about the reasons why we love our planet

Computing - we used the programme ‘Canvas’ to create digital artwork

Art - we enjoyed many activities for arts week and a session with an artist

Music - we learnt the song ‘it’s good to be me’ and performed to the rest of the school in our art weeks showcase assembly

Outdoor 1 PE focus for the term - Striking and Fielding

Outdoor 2 PE focus for the term - Invasion Games

For home learning this week, you might want to write a fact file about yourself to give to your new teacher in year 3!