LEO Academy Trust

Distance Learning Opportunities Newsletter

Welcome to the Summer Term! We hope you had a restful break.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues we will be providing you with a bank of resources to support learning for our pupils across the Trust. Most resources are free or temporarily free. There are a range of activities included. Who knows? Maybe our pupils will discover a new passion during this unscheduled time off.

Follow us at @LEOacademies on Twitter!

Encourage your pupils to get involved with The Locals: Diaries project. An exciting opportunity to be part of local history.

The Locals_ Diaries KS2.pdf
The Locals - Distance Learning Project with Sutton Cultural Services .pdf

Check future editions of this newsletter for Mental Health Awareness Week Resources.

Congratulations to our Mandarin Club who have been accessing their lessons via Zoom each week. They won Global Class of the Week Award with True Education


In an increasingly global world, it’s more essential that ever that young people are equipped to tackle the global issues facing us today, including climate change, poverty and inequality.

The Global Class of the Week award aims to recognise those engaging in valuable conversation around international issues within the classroom. Whether it’s participating in shared projects, learning about the Sustainable Development Goals, learning a language, or getting involved with the local community, a Global Class is one that takes an active interest in protecting the world we live in.


Year 5 Mandarin Club at Leo Academy Trust, who have continued their Mandarin lessons using Zoom with two lessons a week from their teachers in Beijing. It’s fantastic to see how well you’re engaging in your language learning during your home studies – keep up the great work!

Congratulations to Anya from Brookfield Primary Academy. Her beautiful singing, along with her brother's, is not only bringing joy to their neighbours but to the world too by going viral on YouTube!

For more online learning resources, please visit www.leodistancelearning.co.uk

Who to follow on Twitter

Each edition of the newsletter will include four people to follow on Twitter.

If you have any suggestions of who to follow, please send to Malinda Young: myoung@leoacademytrust.co.uk

Teach Primary


The official feed for Teach Primary magazine, the leading title for Primary professionals. Part of The Teach Company - http://TheTeachCo.com



We offer ideas, inspiration, and information for your best days—and double that for your hard ones. Supporting kids means supporting educators, always.

Ruby Tuesday Books


Books to spark a love of reading and discovery. Educational books for Early Years to KS3.



Primary (Children aged 4-11) focused edchat on Mondays 8-9pm UK time. Come & join us. #PrimaryRocks Created by @gazneedle & @redgierob

to promote Primary Ed

If you know of any other resources to share with colleagues across the Trust, please send details to: myoung@leoacademytrust.co.uk