LEO Academy Trust

Distance Learning Opportunities Newsletter


The Cave by Rob Hodgson

You can hear Rob read his book and you can visit his website.

Things you might do after sharing:

- Make a cave in the garden or a room in the house.

- Make a friend for the little creature

- Draw what you think the little creature might look like.

- Talk about surprises and unexpected endings.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

You can hear Eric Carle reading the Very Hungry caterpillar or you can watch an animation of the film.

Things you might do after sharing:

- Explore outside for signs of new life e.g. shoots from plants, frog spawn, cocoons, larvae etc.

- Talk about healthy meals for lunch.

- Make puppets.

- Leaf collages.

Make these delicious ladybird pizzas from The What the Ladybird Heard Cookbook

Little ones will love helping to make these cheese, tomato and olive pizzas that look just like the ladybird.

ABC Does

As more people are self-isolating and schools and childcare settings across the world are closing, we thought we would contribute to easing the burden by providing another place you can direct parent’s /carers to for support.

We are part of a wonderful, international community of Early Years practitioners who have a wealth of knowledge and a HUGE bank of ideas and activities.

It's your first day at school!

This is a great game to play with your child. Help your child create his/her character and pick a school jumper, then explore the school and find all the different activities to play.

Once the register has been taken, have a go at painting, block-building or making a calm jar. Keep an eye out for fun things to explore in the classroom - is that a butterfly?

Next it's lunchtime, remember to wash your hands, eat up and then to pop to the toilet afterwards. Then, why not explore the playground?

Then it’s home time, wave to all your new friends – you’ll see them again tomorrow.

Click here for more starting Primary School resources.


Home Learning

We want to help schools and parents with home learning to ensure children make the most progress during these challenging times. This home learning section includes the Term 3 activities set out for each year group to make learning easy.

As the programme has been designed for schools across the UK, we have created this getting started guide for parents which explains how Monster Phonics works. Monster Phonics follows the national curriculum and is recognised by the government as a key resource to be used by schools. It is fun and engaging being based around 10 Monsters. Have fun learning about each of them.

Everyone loves Sesame Street, right? It’s made by the Sesame Workshop, a nonprofit education organisation that produces multiple educational programmes for children, and has been a children’s TV staple for more than 50 years. The show’s YouTube channel is packed with videos designed to help your child learn essential life skills – everything from tying a shoelace to caring for ourselves and others – plus plenty of educational content that may well be useful if your kids are working at KS1. More than just a teaching aid, though, it’s also guaranteed to bring a smile to every face.

Watch Sesame Street here

Simple, fun activities for kids, from newborn to five

Many little things light up hungry little minds. Kids take everything in, and even the smallest things you do with them can make a big difference.

They love it when you chat, play and read with them, even when they’re too young to understand everything. Whatever the time and wherever you are, you can turn almost anything into a game. And every little thing you do together will help set them up nicely for the day they start school.

We understand that you and your child are spending more time at home and you might be looking for a bit more inspiration for things to do. Start by trying some of the simple, fun activities we have suggested here.

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Kids Classes from Home

Watch on-demand or participate live.

Learn and bond with your 0-6 year old.

Follow and interact with an expert instructor.

Learn more here.

For more online learning resources, please visit www.leodistancelearning.co.uk

If you know of any other resources to share with colleagues across the Trust, please send details to: myoung@leoacademytrust.co.uk