Weekly Newsletter
2nd February 2024
School Site Safety
Please be reminded that Parents and Carers are not able to stay on site to watch either morning or after school clubs. Our gates open at 8.25am and no children or Parents/Carers should be on site before this, unless attending a club.
School Gates Times
Parents and Carers of children who attend Aces will be let through the gate before 8.25am. Please do not let anyone through the gate as you are leaving. If you are leaving your children outside school before 8.25am, please ensure they know that they must not come in before the gates open at 8.25am, even if the gate is opened to let someone into breakfast club.
Please also be reminded that Parents and Carers should not enter the school building via any other entrance than the School Office. If you are late to collect your child, please come to the Office
Considerate Parking
If you are driving to drop your children off or pick them up from school, please park considersately on the surrounding roads. Please don't park over driveways or over the zig zag lines.
Please ensure your child brings their uniform including school shoes to get changed into if attending morning clubs, many thanks.
Chromebook Agreement
Please click here to view the whole agreement
I understand that the equipment provided under the scheme is being facilitated and funded by the Trust to support learning. I will ensure my child brings the equipment to school each day and that it is fully charged. I understand that if the device isn’t charged, my child won’t experience the full benefit of the Chromebook programme.
Cold Weather
Please ensure children come to school each day with appropriate clothing for the weather. With the temperatures dropping a warm coat, gloves and hat is advisable.
Water safety is a vital life skill, which is why it is a mandatory part of the curriculum for PE at primary school. The curriculum says pupils should be taught to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. Children at Cheam Fields are required to take part in their Swimming lessons.
Please ensure your child has their kits with them on their allocated swimming day.
Spring Term 2024
Monday 5th - 11th February - Children's Mental Health Week - Activities in school
Tuesday 6th February - Safer Internet Day - Activities in school
Tuesday 6th February - Year 2 - Brooklands Trip - Details here
Thursday 8th February - Year 6 - Imperial War Museum Trip - Details here
Thursday 8th February - Reception - Greengrocers walk - Details here
Monday 12th February - Friday 16th February HALF TERM
Monday 19th February - Back to school
Tuesday 20th February - Year 4 - Philharmonia concert - Details here
Thursday 22nd February - Year 5 - Kingswood residential meeting - Details here
Thursday 22nd February - Quiz Night - PTFA Event - Details here
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day - Details to follow
Thursday 14th March & Friday 15th March - Year 3 Science Museum - Details here
Friday 22nd March - Easter Bonnets - Details here
Monday 15th April - Friday 19th April - Year 5 Kingswood Residential - Details here
Thursday 25th April - Mufti/own clothes day - PTFA Event - Details here
Wednesday 22nd May - Disco - PTFA Event - Details here
Saturday 22nd June - Summer Fair - PTFA Event - Details here
Monday 24th June - Wed 26th June - Year 4 High Ashurst Residential - Details here
Friday 12th July - Year 6 - Prom - Details here
Monday 15th July - Friday 19th July - Year 6 Isle of Wight Residential - Details here
Future Term Dates here
Sports Team Training - communication for children
Please check your name and what day you are now training. If you have any questions please speak to Miss Grainger or Miss Doyle.
Training starts at 7:45 am - 8:30 am.
Make sure you come to train in sensible clothing and footwear. Think about cold weather.
Football - if you have shin pads please wear them to training.
Make sure you bring a school uniform with you to change into after.
Please click on the relevant years to see lots of useful information about what the children will be learning this Spring Term along with PE days
If you complete any optional home learning tasks, remember to come and show Miss Shaw or Mrs Mann.
Dodge the February freeze and unleash your child's inner champion at LEO Sports' action-packed Multi-Activity Camps!
We are running Camps from the following schools!
Brookfield Primary Academy - Gymnastics, Dance & Cheerleading
Cheam Park Farm Primary Academy - Multi Sports
Manor Park Primary Academy - Multi Sports
Sign up and book here LEO Sports Camps Clubs buddy. More information can be found on our clubs page here
Please click here to be take to our clubs information page
Aces Extended Services - Places available
We have spaces in our wraparound provision on selected days. If you would like to find out about availability, please email aces@leoacademytrust.co.uk.
We would like to extend a sincere thank you to the PTFA for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. Their efforts have made a significant impact on our school community. Their efforts have gone on to raise valuable funds which have purchased a new playground equipment for Early Years and a Scooter Storage.
Brilliant, Thank you!
At Cheam Fields Primary Academy we recognise that good attendance gives our children the best possible opportunity for learning and reaching their full potential. Children need to attend school regularly if they are to take full advantage of the education opportunities available to them as well as their relationships with friendship groups. Giving your child the best start in life is every parent or carer’s wish. The opportunity to learn and make progress is essential to improve life chances. Good attendance is key to securing this.
Illness - If your child is going to be off school due to illness, please complete our Absence form here by 8:30a.m on each day of Absence giving the reasons for any absence, this is an important safeguarding issue for the school.
Appointments - If your child has to have an appointment during school time please fill in the appointments form here. If your child will be in school over the lunch period please ensure you have filled in if they will be school dinners or packed lunch. A copy of any evidence for appointments can be emailed or brought into the office.
Exceptional Absence - Taking holidays in term time affects children’s schooling as much as any other absence and the school expects parents to help us by not taking children away in school time. There is no automatic entitlement in law to time off in term time to go on holiday. The Governing Body does not sanction absence during term time. Any authorisation given by the Principal will be at her discretion and only in exceptional circumstances.
Please fill in the request for exceptional absence here.
We are able to administer prescription medicines in school. However we only administer medicine when the course cannot be completed at home. If you are unable to do this we would kindly ask that you do the following:
Complete the medicine form here
Ensure medicines are clearly labelled and in date
Come to the office with your child and their medicine before school each day
Your child will receive a medication label
Collect your medication from the office each day
Please click here to be taken to our Support page which has information on Parent/Carer workshops/courses/resources in the local community or online
The LEO Lottery raises money to enhance the opportunities for ALL our pupils!
Join our weekly lottery from just £1 a week
It’s an easy way to support our Trust and help raise funds for LEO Foundation projects
40% of ticket sales come back to us
There’s a guaranteed winner every week as well as the chance to win £25,000
It’s easy to sign up online so start supporting our Trust today!
Last year, funds raised by the LEO Foundation supported our LEO PRIDE Awards in EYFS, our ECB All Stars Cricket Development Centre for Year 2 pupils, Mandarin lessons for Year 5 pupils and our Year 6 Junior Citizenship Programme.
Your support is greatly appreciated and we wish you good luck!
Support LEO Academy Trust when you play Your School Lottery - Your School Lottery