

Kochanska, G., Bendel-Stenzel, L., An, D., & Sivagurunathan, N. (in press). Early relational origins of theory of mind: A two-study replication. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 

Kochanska, G., & An, D. (2024). Developmental psychopathology: Our welcoming, inclusive, and eclectic intellectual home. Invited review article in Development and Psychopathology, Special Issue: The Future of Developmental Psychopathology.


Bendel-Stenzel, L. C., An, D., & Kochanska, G. (2023). Revisiting the debate on effects of parental power-assertive control in two longitudinal studies: Early attachment security as a moderator. Attachment & Human Development.


Bendel-Stenzel, L. C., An, D., & Kochanska, G. (2023). Elucidating mechanisms linking parental mind-mindedness in infancy and children’s self-regulation at early preschool age. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.

Kochanska, G., & An, D. (2023). The parent’s and the child’s internal working models of each other moderate cascades from child difficulty to socialization outcomes: Preliminary evidence for dual moderation?. Development and Psychopathology.


An, D., Jager, J., Putnick, D. L., & Bornstein, M. H. (2022). Parenting stress and attachment in young adulthood: A social relations model. Journal of Marriage and Family.


An, D. & Kochanska, G. (2022). Sequelae of infants’ negative affectivity in the contexts of emerging distinct attachment organizations: Multifinality in mother-child and father-child dyads across the first year. Development and Psychopathology.


Bendel-Stenzel, L. C., An, D., & Kochanska, G. (2022). Infants’ attachment security and children’s self-regulation within and outside the parent-child relationship at kindergarten age: Distinct paths for children varying in anger proneness. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.


An, D., Bendel-Stenzel, L. C., & Kochanska, G. (2022). Negative internal working models as mechanisms that link mothers’ and fathers’ personality with their parenting: a short-term longitudinal study. Journal of Personality.


Eggum, N. D., Zhang, L., An, D., Xu, J., Clifford, B. N. & Costa, M. (2022). Shyness, unsociability, and social avoidance during early adolescence: Associations with peer relationships and aggression. Journal of Early Adolescence.


An, D., & Kochanska, G. (2021). Mothers’ and fathers’ attachment styles and power-assertive control: Indirect associations through parental representations. Journal of Family Psychology.


Bendel-Stenzel, L. C., An, D., & Kochanska, G. (2021). Parent-child relationship and child anger proneness in infancy and attachment security at toddler age: A short-term longitudinal study of mother- and father-child dyads. Attachment & Human Development.


Clifford, B. N., Eggum, N. D., An, D., Clifford, S., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2021). Withdrawn and acting out?: Early adolescents’ social avoidance and externalizing Problems. Journal of Research on Adolescence.


An, D., & Kochanska, G. (2021). Theory of mind as a mechanism that accounts for the continuity or discontinuity of behavioral inhibition: A developmentally informed model of risk for social anxiety. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.


An, D., & Eggum-Wilkens, N. D. (2021). Situation-specific shyness among Chinese adolescents: Measurement and relations with adjustment. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.


An, D., Kochanska, G., Yeager, N. C., Sivagurunathan, N. M., Praska, R. L., Campbell, R. J., & Shin, S. Y. (2021). Children’s emerging receptive, positive orientation toward their parents in the network of early attachment relationships. Attachment & Human Development.


Farago, F., Xu, J., Eggum-Wilkens, N. D., Zhang, L., An, D., Kim, E., & Adams, E. (2021). Ugandan adolescents’ attitudes toward, and shared activities with, same- and other-gender peers and friends. Youth & Society.


An, D., & Kochanska, G. (2020). Mutual synergies between reactive and active inhibitory systems of temperament in the development of children’s disruptive behavior: Two longitudinal studies. Development and Psychopathology.

An, D., & Kochanska, G. (2020). Parents’ early representations of their children as moderators of socialization processes: Evidence from two studies. Development and Psychopathology.


Eggum-Wilkens, N. D., An, D., Zhang, L., & Costa, M. (2020). Co-occurrence of and cross-informant agreement on shyness, unsociability, and social avoidance during early adolescence. Social Development.


An, D., & Eggum-Wilkens, N. D. (2019). Do cultural orientations moderate the relations between Chinese adolescents’ shyness and depressive symptoms? It depends on their academic achievement. Social Development. 


An, D., Eggum-Wilkens, N. D., Chae, S., Hayford, S. R., Yabiku, S. T., Glick, J. E., & Zhang, L. (2018). Adults’ conceptualisations of social competence in Nepal and Malawi. Psychology and Developing Societies.

Eggum-Wilkens, N. D., Zhang, L., & An, D. (2018). An exploratory study of Eastern Ugandan adolescents’ descriptions of social withdrawal. Journal of Adolescence.


Jager, J., Mahler, A., An, D., Putnick, D. L., Bornstein, M. H., Lansford, J. E., Dodge, K. A., Skinner, A. T., & Deater-Deckard, K. (2016). Early adolescents’ unique perspectives of maternal and paternal rejection: Examining their across dyad generalizability and relations with future adjustment. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.