2015-2016 School Year

Introduction to the Engineer Design Process

Third and Fourth Grade students involved in the S.T.E.M. Cohort and after school enrichment have been meeting 25 minutes once a week and for about an hour twice a week.

Third graders have been creating music videos centered around the engineer design process. They created their own lyrics, used their own vocals, created a storyboard, and then finally put all these components together into a video editing program.

Fourth grade students worked on creating amphibious vehicles using the engineer design process, being sure to carefully document each step. Their final projects were featured during "Spring Night Out".

During our after school enrichment, third and fourth graders collaborated using what they knew about the engineer design process and re-purposed a vacuum to use for an air hockey table made out of cardboard and tape. After completing this projects, students were then asked to reflect on their work. Some of their responses are featured in the video below.

4th Grade Engineer Design Process Project

4th Grade Enrichment EDP 2015_2016.mp4

3rd Grade Engineer Design Process Music Video

Engineering Design Process Song.mp4