2023 Spring Concert Information

Dear Woodglen School Community,

It is with great pleasure to announce that Woodglen Middle School will be hosting our Spring Arts Festival on Thursday, May 11th! This is a wonderful opportunity for our community to celebrate student success in the visual and performing arts, and we are very excited to share their work with you!

There will be two components to our arts festival. The musical performance will begin at 7:00 PM with the 5th grade band. Please see below for the order of performances. We are asking that all 5th and 6th grade students involved in a music performance arrive at the school no later than 6:30, and for 7th and 8th grade students to arrive no later than 7:15. Just like the winter concert, students involved in band should dress in all black dress clothes, while students involved in choir should wear black and white dress clothes. Please reach out to Mrs. Brennan or Mr. Weber by Friday, April 28th if your student will not be able to perform, as they will be given an alternate concert assignment.

5th Grade Band

Woodglen Flute Ensemble

6th Grade Band

*Brief 5 Minute Intermission*

5th and 6th Grade Choir

7th and 8th Grade Choir

*Brief 5 minute Intermission*

Woodglen Clarinet Ensemble

7th and 8th Grade Band

Jazz Band

Mrs. Gattone and Mrs. Naples will be creating a display of student art and student engineering projects in the PAC. The display will be open starting at 6:30 PM and will remain open throughout the night. All are welcome to browse the show, and parents/students may take their artwork/engineering projects home after the performance.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Weber, Mrs. Brennan, Mrs. Naples, or Mrs. Gattone at their school email addresses. We hope to see you all in attendance for a night of wonderful student art and performances.

Have a great day,

Mr. Weber, Mrs. Brennan, Mrs. Naples, and Mrs. Gattone