Who We Are


Our LESD community embraces a multicultural approach to whole-child education, using inclusive, equitable and innovative learning experiences to ensure every child grows and knows their unique strengths, interests and values.


We envision a brighter future for our students where all learners excel socially, emotionally and academically while positively impacting their community and the world.


Innovation-creatively adapting

We recognize that the world is constantly changing, and we creatively adapt, take risks, and continuously improve

Equity-opportunity to thrive

We believe in creating a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances and we are committed to social justice and a willingness to work towards a more equitable future for our learners

Community-better together

We believe that we can achieve more by working together than alone and will leverage effective communication, trust, and respect to build strong and productive relationships

Integrity -stand up for what’s right

We are committed to honesty, transparency, and accountability, and a willingness to stand up for what is right even in the face of opposition or adversity

The individuals that particpated in this work...

The Guiding Coalition was comprised of the following school, district, community representation. 

Lamont ESD Guiding Coalition [website]