Peer Initiative

What is the Peer Initiative?

The Peer Initiative is when students can get involved with helping others one-on-one through the peer initiative. If a student is struggling and going through a difficult time, they can fill out the SSH (Student Seeking Help) Form to share what they are going through anonymously and pick their preference for a peer. Then, another student would fill out the Peer Sign-up form, choosing the preferences and conditions they feel comfortable helping with. Once there’s a match, the two students will be paired and the peer will be the other student's support. The peer initiative is important because it creates trust among students and informs the one that is struggling that they aren’t alone and others care for them.

Peer Sign-Up Form

This form is for students who want to be a peer and a friend for another student who may be struggling, or going through a tough time. Peers are there to support a student seeking help whenever needed, and strive to create a positive relationship while being someone to talk to. 

Students Seeking Help Form

This form is for students who are seeking help from another student for a variety of issues, ranging from depression to failing grades. They will be paired with a peer to have a positive relationship and gain support through any struggles.