Choosing Colleges

Searching for Colleges and Exploring Careers and College Majors

Finding Colleges That Fit You

It's good to apply to several colleges where you would be happy attending.  Your colleges should include at least one safety college, and may include several target, or match, colleges, and a reach, or dream, college or two.

Use the Compare Colleges feature in Big Future to compare colleges.  Pay attention to the percentages of applicants accepted and the median ACT and SAT scores.  You can access the site here.

Also, check out the Assured Admission Chart to see where you can be automatically admitted to Texas public institutions based on rank and test scores

What You Need to Know about a College

There are many factors to consider when choosing colleges.  Check out this handout for a comprehensive list of what you need to know to best determine if you want to attend a college.  The best way to find the answers to the questions on this handout is to explore the colleges website, make an official visit to the college if possible, attend  College Rep Visits at RHS, or attend a College Fair.

Visiting College Campuses

One of the best ways to learn about a college and determine if you will be comfortable there is to visit the college while classes are in session.  You will get the most out of your visit by scheduling an official tour and possibly appointments with an admission counselor, someone in the department or your major, and/or a financial aid officer.

If you can't visit a college in-person, check out their virtual tours and information programs.

Check out the two-page resource below to help you make the most of your college visits:

Campus Visit Checklist and Get the Most Out of Your College Visit in Six Steps