At Home Internet Filtering

At school while student devices are on our network, internet filtering is stringent on both BYOT and District owned devices.

At home, it is the parental responsibility to filter and monitor as you see fit for your family needs and values.

LISD does not allow installation of filtering software on district devices at this time.


-If you are interesting in filtering and blocking websites, you may do so on your home network by setting parental controls on your personal router. Please see your router instructions for directions.

-If your router doesn't allow for that, you might try to see if something like this would work for your family:

You can read the reviews and see the specs here: Circle by Disney

*there are many products that you can purchase for your home network monitoring and filtering - this is just one suggestion.

Finally, here are some parenting tips for at home use: MLISD Parent Suggestions At Home