

Vision, Hearing and Acanthosis Nigricans

Cedar Park Middle School conducts state-mandated Vision, Hearing and Acanthosis Nigricans screenings on all 7th Graders, and all New to District Students. These are performed in the Fall Semester and most students participate in a Mass Screening day. You will receive notification each year.

The purpose of the professional Vision and Hearing screenings is to detect vision or hearing issues that could affect your child’s learning progress. Acanthosis Nigricans is a skin marker on the neck that is assessed during the Hearing portion of the screening in order to detect signs of high insulin levels in children who may be at risk of developing diabetes. It is requested that if your student has corrective lenses to please make sure they come to school with them that day. Any students who are not present will be asked to report to the clinic before the end of the fall semester

Parents are notified of the results of the screening only if professional follow-up is recommended.

Spinal Screenings

Cedar Park Middle School conducts state-mandated Spinal Screenings on all 7th Grade Girls and 8th Grade Boys. The trained screeners check your child for signs of spinal problems like scoliosis. The screening is simple. Screeners will look at your child’s back while he or she stands and bends forward.

Important Recommendations:

The campus nurse will send you a letter if your child does not pass the screening. The letter will tell you how to follow up with a doctor. This screening is not a medical exam. Your child still needs to see a doctor for their annual checkups.

If you do not wish to have your child screened for religious reasons, you must submit notification via email to the campus nurse school no later than the day before the screening day. You will receive notification each year 2 weeks in advance. The screenings usually occur during a mass screening day. Any students who are not present will be asked to report to the clinic before the end of the fall semester.

If you have any questions about any of the screenings, please contact the campus nurse Leslie DesJardin at 512-570-3107 or

Thank you and Go Leopards!