Gap Year


A Gap Year is a break between graduating high school and starting college in which a student steps away from the typical classroom environment to seek knowledge that promotes personal growth and is derived from life experiences.

Why should I consider a Gap Year?

Your four years in high school are incredibly challenging; it's possible that you can feel burned out and not ready to sustain rigorous study in college.  Taking a gap year can restore your sense of purpose and give you the focus to succeed in the next step of your life.  Also, if you don't have any idea what you might want to study in college or what career you would like to pursue, a Gap Year can help you better understand who you are and how you want to impact the world. 

Can I still go to college if I take a Gap Year?

Of course!  In fact, some colleges ENCOURAGE their incoming freshman class to consider taking a gap year.  We encourage you to go through the college application process your senior year even if you know you want to take a gap year.  Many colleges will allow you to defer your enrollment for a year, so you don't have to go through the application process again.  If you decide not to apply to college during your senior year, that's fine too ... you'll just go through the process during your Gap Year.

What kind of things can I do during a Gap Year?

Anything you want ... as long as it promotes growth in some meaningful way.  Laying on the couch watching TV for a year is not a Gap Year.  Working a job, volunteering, taking a class at a community college or through a community outreach program, traveling, pursuing an artistic passion, trying to start your own business, the list goes on and on.  You can find organizations that will sell you a Gap Year experience or you can "build your own" Gap Year by combining a series of activities that inspire you.

What do other people say?

What are some resources to help me?