2024-2025 Course Description guide



For all students to be successful, it is our commitment to provide customized educational opportunities and quality instruction that promote creativity, collaboration and problem-solving in a safe, supportive environment. Our graduates will take their place in a global society as productive and responsible citizens and lifelong learners.

A student’s program of study is most important, and the selection of courses should be made only after careful planning and deliberation. Each student is encouraged to arrange a conference with his/her School Counselor every year in order to choose courses on the basis of his or her abilities, interests, academic achievement, and post-secondary school plans. With the help of counselors, teachers, and parents, students should choose a high school program consistent with the career goals and objectives they have established.  Students will receive course selection information in the classroom and they are encouraged to use a course selection worksheet to help guide decision making.  The descriptions provided in this guide should help students to make informed decisions for the upcoming school year.