Course Selection Procedure

The tentative course selection timeline for the 2024-2025 school year is as follows:

February 7, 2024 7:00 pm HS Auditorium:  8th grade Parent Orientation to the High School – Evening program for eighth grade parents to explain the course selection process and get an in-depth look at the HS program.  The presentation will also be posted on the HS webpage (click on School Counselors then on Course Selection)


Early February – Counselors visit classes in the middle school and high school to provide information to students about the Course Selection process. All classroom teachers will meet with students to make recommendations in their subject areas.  Students will select courses and complete any necessary course selection paperwork.  


February 20 - 23 Course Selection Registration will open for students in Power School.  Directions for this process will be provided to students and available online.  By early March, course tallies will be available for staffing recommendations.


February through May 2024 – Counselors will meet with students as needed to review teacher and parent recommendations.


August 5, 2024 (tentative) – Student preliminary/tentative schedules will be available online for the 2024-2025 school year.  Printed schedules will not be mailed unless they are requested by students/families.



August 16, 2024 – Last day for student-initiated schedule changes. Summer changes do not include teacher or lunch reassignments.   Once the school year begins:

o   Students will remain in classes for the first two weeks of school.  No schedule changes will be made.

o   In weeks 3 and 4 of school, schedule changes are permitted for academic misplacements (with teacher and parent approval) AND elective changes can be made (from one elective to another – also with parental approval).

o   From week 4 of school through week 8, the only type of change will be for academic misplacements (with teacher and parent approval). Deadline:  a week prior to the end of the 1st marking period (10/23/24)

o   After week 8, no schedule changes will be made unless they are approved by a principal.

o   For second semester classes, students will only be able to make a change up until the second week of the course (week 2 of the 3rd MP).      


All summer course changes must be requested by August 16, 2024.  Once the school year begins, any schedule change will be recorded on the student’s transcript (for example, if a student withdraws from a course with a passing grade, the student will receive a WP; if the student withdraws from a course with a failing grade, the student will receive a WF). * The transcript will reflect all schedule changes once the school year begins per the grade policy listed above.


Full-year classes are only awarded credit in June.  Credit is awarded in January for semester 1 classes and in June for semester 2 courses. If a student drops a course, he/she shall receive a WP/WF indicating withdrawal. Scheduled courses may not be discontinued without student, teacher, parental, counselor, and administrative approval for sufficient reason. Alternate selections to meet annual credit requirements must be determined at the time of withdrawal. Students may be dropped from a course for disciplinary reasons and in that instance, do not have to maintain the minimum credit requirement.


Students who have not completed the necessary requirements for graduation may not participate in Commencement exercises.