Health & Physical Education

Students are offered a variety of activity courses over the four-year period.  Courses place emphasis on personal fitness, sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork.  During the freshman year, students are required to take Foundations of Physical Education and grades 10 -12, students choose from electives which are sport based or fitness based.  Students in grades 10-12 may take up to two PE classes (1.0 credit) each school year.


Length of course:  Semester

Credit:  .5

Grade 9

Pathway:  Arts & Communications (AC); Human Services (HS);  Science & Health (SH)

 In this course, students will participate in team & individual sports as well as a concentration of classes on physical fitness to give the student the foundation of the high school physical education curriculum.   This course will also have a health education component.


 Length of course:  Semester

Credit:  .5

Grade 9 -12

Pathway:  Arts & Communications (AC); Human Services (HS);  Science & Health (SH)

Knowing what to do for a simple fracture, nosebleeds, blisters, and other common injuries is a necessity for all those participating or assisting with an athletic program. With the use of the new multi-media American Heart Association system, students will receive certification in CPR and First Aid. In addition to this, students will also receive instruction in techniques of athletic training.


Length of course:  Semester

Credit:  .5

Grade 10 -12

Pathway:  Arts & Communications (AC); Human Services (HS);  Science & Health (SH)

PREREQUISITE:   Foundations of PE 9

Daily workouts will be completed by participants in this course depending on their need for general fitness or athletic competition.  Athletes will work on programs designed specifically for preseason, in season or post season needs.   General fitness students will work on programs to improve their overall fitness levels.  Students must be highly motivated and will work throughout the year in the high school weight room.


Length of course:  Semester

Credit:  .5

Grade 10-12

Pathway:  Arts & Communications (AC); Human Services (HS);  Science & Health (SH)

PREREQUISITE:   Foundations of PE 9

This course will focus on the skills necessary to play team sports such as flag football, softball, volleyball, basketball, floor hockey & soccer. There will be small games and some international games such as handball and cricket.


Length of course:  Semester

Credit:  .5

Grade 10-12

Pathway:  Arts & Communications (AC); Human Services (HS);  Science & Health (SH)

PREREQUISITE:   Foundations of PE 9

This course will focus on the skills necessary to play individual sports; such as archery, badminton, bowling, disc golf, golf, lawn games, pickle ball, ping pong, tennis. A focus on etiquette, rules and strategy of each sport will also be incorporated. A variety of fitness activities will also be included in this course.

 0832 HEALTH

Length of course:  Semester

Credit:  .5

Grade 11

Pathway:  Arts & Communications (AC); Human Services (HS);  Science & Health (SH)

 Health education, in the 11th grade, is designed to encourage the student to develop health preventive attitudes to foster a more productive lifestyle. Students are encouraged to assume responsibility for their own wellness and to understand the importance of maintaining a sound mind in a sound body. The curriculum consists of the following units: Mental Health; Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol; Physical Fitness; Communicable Diseases; Human Relations and Sexuality; Safety and First Aid; Nutrition; and an overview of the Body Systems.


Length of course:  Semester

Credit:  .5

Grade 10-12

Pathway:  Arts & Communications (AC); Human Services (HS);  Science & Health (SH)

PREREQUISITE:   Foundations of PE 9

This course will present a variety of fitness opportunities to promote lifelong personal fitness.  Students will set personal fitness goals and participate in group led workouts that focuses on improving muscle tone, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility and body composition. Students will also have the opportunity once a week to participate in a personal workout day. Students must be highly motivated and will work throughout the year in the high school cardio room, mat room and outside.


Length of course:  Semester

Credit:  .5

Grade 12

Pathway:  Arts & Communications (AC); Human Services (HS);  Science & Health (SH)

PREREQUSITE:   1.5 credits of PE and contract with a PE staff member

This course is for students who desire to go into the health and physical education field of study. Students will be required to have all physical education credit requirements met to take this course. Students taking this course will participate in observation and assistance of Health & Physical Education lessons, as well as helping to teach lessons. Students will also be required to create several lesson plans throughout the semester and create at least one bulletin board related to one of the Health & P.E. units.