Socials (the Helpers)

•The social types are best known for their humanistic nature, a general philosophy that serves the betterment of people. You can see this by observing which activities they are most drawn toward. Usually someone of a humanistic nature will volunteer to help others or organize workshops or events to help others in some capacity.

•Their humanistic tendency makes them very warm people to be around, both in and out of the workplace. Because of their friendly nature they usually tend to have very developed communication skills as well. This combination of friendliness, communication skills, and desire to help others tends to be the most identifiable part of asocial type.

•Social types describe themselves as caring, responsible and patient. Just like their developed communication skills are a positive byproduct of their friendly nature, it seems that they can also be very patient with others as a byproduct, as well. Working with people and communicating with them openly and often certainly helps develop patience in the social types.

Possible Career Fields:

*For LHS Pathways, courses and program information in these areas, select Planning and Course Pathways from the top menu.

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