Artists (the Creators)

• An artistic friend can be described as impulsive, independent and sensitive. These qualities drive this personality type into very loosely structured environments and friendships. Because of this impulsive nature the artistic types can form warm relationships with others fairly quickly, even sometimes intensely. They are also very romantic in their general view, which fosters more creativity in almost everything they do.

• Friends will describe the creator as complicated, open, and idealistic. Just like their tendency to romanticize otherwise mundane activities, they also view problems from idealistic standards. The artistic types tend to thrive in relationships and settings that allow them the freedom to not only explore their beliefs and ideas but also express them openly and regularly. They are abstract thinkers no matter the topic and so they can sometimes get caught up in deep conversations.

• While their characteristics often times make traditional office work some kind of torture for them they are still great employees. The artistic person values change and independence as much as they practice their creative expression, making them diligent and busy workers. The same can be said in their roles as friends; they openly and loyally express their emotions and encourage the same from others.

Possible Career Fields:

*For LHS Pathways, courses and program information in these areas, select Planning and Course Pathways from the top menu.

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