Investigators (the Thinkers)

•These thinkers are typically more curious about what mechanisms make things work versus how things are working. TheInvestigativetype would prefer to understand how things function or come into existence, much like a scientist will work hard to understand gravity or cancer. While these personality types may use this natural drive to understand something in a way that serves others, it’s not always the case. In the example of anInvestigativetype seeking to understand cancer, this person may not necessarily seek a cure. The thrill of the task is truly to understand it.

•As a friend theInvestigativeperson is usually described as very analytical, intellectual and complex. At the same time they can be viewed as very thoughtful, curious, introspective and insightful as well. This is because while they are leading regular lives they are also always analyzing their surroundings, seeking answers and as a by-product gaining insight.

•As anInvestigativetype you might find yourself irritated with limits and mainstream ideas and trends. The thinkers of the world don’t usually fit in with the masses very well, though this is not a bad thing. Instead, the thinkers can be found tinkering away at a task or abstract idea that allows for expansion, which is incredibly valuable in our ever-changing technological world.

Possible Career Fields:

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