Classroom Models

Shifting from distance learning and concurrent teaching to in-person learning gives teachers the opportunity to apply their digital competence to the classroom setting. The information below is intended for teachers to consider how to leverage technology to blend the benefits of online and in-person learning.

Flipped Classroom

In a flipped classroom, students complete readings and/or listen to video lectures at home, and in-person classtime is spent on collaborative and/or problem-solving focused activities.

Role of Technology:

Station Rotation

In station rotation, students in small groups rotate to different learning centers located in the classroom on a fixed schedule. Centers are designed by the teacher based on student need and/or learning style. Typically, at least one of the centers contains an online learning opportunity.

Role of Technology:

Resources to adapt instruction for different abilities can be found here.

There are numerous methods of effectively integrating technology into your instruction beyond these models. For example, a personalized learning model allows teachers to leverage digital tools to appeal to student's strengths, needs, skills, and interests. Similarly, project-based learning allows students to critically think about real-world problems to create a product using digital tools. For more information about framing your thinking to promote purposeful technology integration, visit the technology frameworks page.