About Us

About Us

Louisa County FFA is located in rural Mineral, Virginia. The FFA program has a long history of achievement and leadership through many generations. There is a middle school chapter and a high school chapter which are under the collective supervision of five agriculture teachers. Because of the strong involvement of Louisa FFA in the past, the program has built itself up to diverse involvement in many different events from public speaking demonstration contests to horse judging, from highway clean up to landscaping volunteer services, and so much more. We would describe our members as diverse, enthusiastic, creative, and talented. We are constantly growing and learning new skills, engaging in new activities, or fostering new partnerships with a community that cares considerably for the sustainability of the program in this county. 

The FFA Mission: "FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education."

Louisa County High School FFA Advisors

Miss Elizabeth Eastep

High School Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor

Animal Science

 Eastpea@lcps.k12.va.us extension 1166

Mrs. Mackenah Roberts

High School Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor

Animal and Veterinary Science robertms@lcps.k12.va.us extension 1118

Miss Ellie Daney

High School Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor

Horticulture and Plant Science daneyec@lcps.k12.va.us extension 1138

Mrs. Anna Burkett

High School Science and Equine Science Teacher

FFA chapter Partner and Equine leader


Louisa FFA Constitution and By-Laws

These are the formal documents outlining the guidelines and regulations of the Louisa County High School FFA chapter. Any amendments must be made the members and voted on with a 2/3 vote. Amendments cannot override state and national constitutional guidelines. A committee will be assigned to review the constitution every four years. Last revised April 2020.

Check back later for the official constitution and by-laws!

Chapter Resources

Virginia FFA website: vaffa.org 

National FFA website: ffa.org 

The Agricultural Experience Tracker: theaet.com

Louisa FFA's Sponsors and Partners (2024 Sponsors Loading)

Louisa FFA Alumni, Louisa, VA

Interested in supporting our organization?

Thank you for your support of our organization. We appreciate the community's efforts in growing the next generation of leaders. Contact any FFA Advisor to see how you can be a part of this program.

The Three Circle Model of Agricultural Education

The Three Circle Model of Agricultural Education is the foundation by which agriculture teachers follow throughout program planning. This includes FFA/Leadership, Supervised Agricultural Experience, and Classroom/Laboratory Instruction. The agricultural education community believes that a strong program includes that which develops student's content and technical knowledge through classroom/laboratory instruction, leadership and service through FFA/leadership, and experiential hands-on learning and record keeping through Supervised Agricultural Experience projects.