
What is Jupyter?

The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Uses include:

Jupyter Notebooks have become the de-facto standard for sharing analysis in data science. 

Jupyter hub

A jupyter hub server allows you to use Jupyter notebooks without having to install anything in your computer.

There are two jupyter hub servers available to people working in either the JBEI or ABF programs:

In order to get access, email ese-help@lbl.gov.

If you are not in any of these programs, you can install your own jupyterLab.  

For Advanced Users

If you are interested in modifying the default ART Kernels available on Skynet, please review these documents.

For access, please contact ese-help@lbl.gov

For more information, please email ese-robotics@lbl.gov