Computer Science 

@ Union

Physical Computing

Through the use of Microbits, students code, control, and connect to physical devices like audio, lights, servos to make their own robotic creations


Through the use of Dash Robots, CuteBots, and Mouse Go Bots, students experience computational thinking and STEAM integration in real world ready for the world applications

Coding & Applications

Through the Amazon BootUp and teachers' initiatives, students are learning computer science concepts, CSK12 framework standards and STEAM classroom applications of instructional technology

Hardware and Software

Physical Computing

2. Networks and Internet

Cybersecurity and DigCit

Data Communication formats

3. Data and Analysis

Data collection

AI applications of data


4. Algorithms & Programming

Amazon BootUp

Scratch Jr.

Scratch 3.0

The K12CS Framework provides a way to teach in a coherent way Computer Science Education in schools. 

While the framework has 5 parts, this year, we will work on the first 4 while knowing that the 5. Impact to Society comes embedded into the very work of teaching children about computer science in schools.