Unit 5

Political Participation

Review the following slides and videos for Unit 5 Topics 5.1 to 5.11.

Use the Quizlet at the end to practice & check your understanding of the concepts.

Items with an * are required SCOTUS Cases or Primary Source Documents.

Topic 5.1

Topic 5.1 Voting Rights

Important Concepts:

Voter Requirements

Voting Amendments: 15, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26

Voting Rights Act

Motor Voter Act

Preclearance & Shelby v Holder

Voting Behavioral Models

Right to Vote

Voting Rights Act 1965

Voting Rights Amendments

Voter Choice

Topic 5.2

Topic 5.2 Elections & Voting

Important Concepts:

Voter Apathy and Political Efficacy

Voter Turnout Factors

Voter Registration Requirements & Voter IDs

Motor Voter Act

Polls & Precincts

Ballots & Provisional Ballots

How Voters Decide

Voter Turnout

Voter Turnout

Voter Turnout

Topics 5.3-5.5

Topics 5.3-5.5 Political Parties

Important Concepts:

Democrats & Republicans GOP

Platform & DNC and RNC

McGovern Frasier Commission

Party Eras & Critical Elections

Divided Government, Dealignment, & Realignment

Third parties

Political Parties

Political Parties

Changing Political Parties

Third Parties

Topics 5.6-5.7

Topics 5.6-5.7 Interest Groups

Important Concepts:

Interest groups & Lobbying

Iron Triangles & Issue Networks

Revolving Door & Free Rider

Federal Lobbying Act


Interest Group Strategies

Interest Groups

Interest Groups

Iron Triangles

Interest Groups & Policy

Topic 5.8

Topic 5.8 Presidential Elections

Important Concepts:

Primary (open vs closed) & Caucus

Split vs Straight Ticket

Frontloading , Super Tuesday, Swing State

Electoral College & Electors

Winner take all & Plurality

Election Basics

Electoral College Explained

Electoral College & Democracy

Primaries & Caucuses

Topic 5.9

Topic 5.9 Congress & Elections

Important Concepts:

Incumbent, Gerrymandering

Midterm Election

Safe vs Open Seat

Earmark, Pork Barrel, Franking Privilege



Congressional Elections

Midterm Elections

Topics 5.10-5.11

Topics 5.10-5.11 Campaigns

Important Concepts:

PAC & SuperPAC

Soft Money, Hard Money, Dark Money


Buckley v. Valeo

Citizens United v. FEC*

Campaign Finance

Money & Politics

Political Campaigns

Citizens United v FEC

Topic 5.12-5.13

Topics 5.12-5.13 Media

Important Concepts:

policy agenda

broadcast media, news network

horse race journalism

soundbites, narrowcasting, selective exposure

gatekeeper, watchdog, scorekeeper

media bias

Media Institution

Mass Media

News Media

Problems of Media

Unit 5 QUIZLET Practice

Choose a study mode and assess your knowledge for this unit.