Unit 2

Three Branches of Government

Review the following slides and videos for Unit 2 Topics 2.1 to 2.15.

Use the Quizlet at the end to practice & check your understanding of the concepts.

Items with an * are required SCOTUS Cases or Primary Source Documents.

Topic 2.1 -2.3

Topics 2.1Congress Powers

Important Concepts:

House of Reps Role

Senate Powers

Enumerated Powers

Implied Powers

Topic 2.2

Topics 2.2 Congress Structure

Important Concepts:

Speaker of the House

Majority & Minority Leaders

President of Senate

Committee Chairman


Topics 2.3-Congress in Action

Important Concepts:

How a Bill Becomes a Law

Discharge Petition, Hold, Filibuster, Cloture

Logrolling, Earmarks

Veto, Pocket Veto, Party Polarization

Bicameral Congress

Congressional Committees

How a Bill becomes Law

Congress Reviewed

Topic 2.4

Topics 2.4 POTUS Roles

Article II/ Federalist 70*

Formal/Delegated Powers/Imformal Powers

Executive Orders

Signing Statements/ Executive Privilege

Bully Pulpit

Vice President

Topics 2.4-2.7

Topics 2.5 POTUS Checks

Important Concepts:

Appointment Power

Cabinet, Executive Office, White House Staff

Honeymoon Period

POTUS & Congress

Line Item Veto/ Legislative Veto

POTUS & Judiciary

Topics 2.6-2.7

Topics 2.5 POTUS Checks

Important Concepts:

Diplomatic & Military Powers

Treaties and Executive Agreements

Presidential Power

Presidential Powers 2

How President's Govern

The Presidency Reviewed

Topics 2.8-2.11

Topics 2.8-2.9 Judiciary System

Important Concepts:

Supreme Court & Jurisdiction

Judicial Review

Marbury v. Madison*

Precedence & Types of Opinions

Judicial Activism & Restraint

Limitations & Checks

Federalist 78*

Topics 2.10-2.11

Topics 2.10-2.11 SCOTUS

Important Concepts:

Supreme Court

Appellate & Original Jurisdiction

Rule of 4 & Writ of Certiorari

Precedent & Stare Decisis

Majority, Concurring, Dissenting Opinions

Checks on Scotus

SCOTUS Procedures

Court in Action

Judicial Review

The Courts Reviewed

Topics 2.12-2.15

Topics 2.12-2.13 Bureaucracy

Important Concepts:


Merit System & Civil Service

Partonage & Spoils

Iron Triangles & Issue Networks

Implementing Law and Oversight

Topics 2.14-2.15

Topics 2.12-2.13 Oversight

Bureaucracy Basics

What is Bureaucracy?

Federal Bureaucracy

The Bureaucracy Reviewed

Unit 2 QUIZLET Practice Sets

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