Unit 3

Civil Liberties & Civil Rights

Review the following slides and videos for Unit 3 Topics 3.1 to 3.13.

Use the Quizlet at the end to practice & check your understanding of the concepts.

Items with an * are required SCOTUS Cases or Primary Source Documents.

Topic 3.1-3.4

Topics 3.1-3.4 1st Amendment

Important Concepts:

Bill of Rights

Free Speech & Press

Freedom of Religion & Establishment Clause

Schenck v U.S.*

Engel v. Vitale* & Wisconsin v. Yoder*

Tinker v. Des Moines * & New York Times v. U.S.*

Guide to Bill of Rights

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Religion

Bill of Rights

Topic 3.5-3.7

Topics 3.5-3.7 2nd -Incorporation

Important Concepts:

2nd Amendment

McDonald v. Chicago*

14th Amendment

Selective Incorporation

2nd Amendment

McDonald v Chicago

14th & Equal Protection

Selective Incorporation

Topic 3.8-3.9

Topics 3.8-3.9 Rights of Accused

Important Concepts:

Gideon v. Wainwright*

Amendments: 4, 5, 6, 8

Search & Seizure

Due Process

Search & Seizure

Due Process

Gideon v Wainwright

Roe v Wade

Topic 3.10-3.12

Topics 3.10-3.13 Civil Rights

Important Concepts:

Equal Protection

Brown v Board of Education

Letters from Birmingham Jail

Affirmative Action

Civil Rights

letter from Birmingham Jail

Affirmative Action

Civil Rights Legislation

Unit 3 QUIZLET Practice

Choose a study mode and assess your knowledge for this unit.