Unit 1

Foundations of American Government

Review the following slides and videos for Unit 1 Topics 1.1 to 1.9.

Use the Quizlet at the end to practice & check your understanding of the concepts.

Items with an * are required SCOTUS Cases or Primary Source Documents.

AP GoPo Intro


Important Concepts:

About the AP Exam

Section I MCQ

Section II FRQ

Course Framework

Topic 1.1 Ideals Democracy

Topic 1.1 Ideals of Democracy

Important Concepts:

Public Policy


Hobbes & Locke

Montesquieu & Rousseau

Social Contract

Declaration of Independence*

Topic 1.2

Topic 1.2 Models of Democracy

Important Concepts:

Participatory Democracy

Pluralistic Democracy

Elite Democracy

Referendum, Recall, Initiative

Declaration of Independence

Ideals of Democracy

Democracy & 3 Models

Initiative, Referendum, Recall

Topic 1.3 & 1.2

Topic 1.3 Founding Principles

Important Concepts:



Federalist 10*

Brutus 1*


Topics 1.4 Articles & Shay

Topic 1.4 Articles of Confederation

Important Concepts:

Articles of Confederation*

Articles of Confederation Weaknesses

Articles of Confederation Consequences

Shay's Rebellion

Federalist and Antifederalist

Federalist 10

Brutus 1

AOC & Shay's Rebellion

Topic 1.5 Ratification

Topic 1.5 U.S. Constitution

Important Concepts:

Virginia Plan vs. New Jersey Plan

Great (Connecticut) Compromise

U.S. Constitution*


Amendment Process (Formal & Informal)

Topic 1.6 Separation of Powers

Topic 1.6 American Principles

Important Concepts:

Preamble's 6 Goals & Constitution's 6 Principles

Checks & Balances

Writ of habeas corpus

Bills of Attainder

Ex Post Facto Law

Federalist 51*

Great Compromise

Amending: Formal & Informal

Principles of Gov - Constitution

Federalist 51

Topic 1.7

Topic 1.7 Federalism

Important Concepts:


Supremacy Clause

10th Amendment

Delegated vs Reserved Powers

Concurrent Powers

State Limits & Obligations


Exclusive & Concurrent Powers

Federal vs. State Power


Topics 1.8 & 1.9

Topic 1.8 Nation & States

Important Concepts:

McCulloch v. Maryland*

Gibbons v. Ogden

U.S. vs Lopez*

Commerce Clause


Grants in Aid

Topic 1.9

Topic 1.9 Federalism & Policy

Important Concepts:

Dual Federalism

Cooperative Federalism

Regulated Federalism


Grants in Aid & Mandates

Federalism Advantages & Disadvantages

Grants, mandates, commerce

Constitutional Interpretation

McCulloch v. Maryland

U.S. v. Lopez

Unit 1 QUIZLET Practice

Choose a study mode and assess your knowledge for this unit.