Module 3

Skills, Attributes and Work Values

The next step in the process is to complete aptitude and self-discover tasks. The will guide your decision making and support your request to receive funding for further training and education.  Click on this link to download and print the Better Jobs Ontario Self-Exploration Worksheet. Use this worksheet as you work through the activities in this module to record your results. This sheet will not be marked or handed in. It will act as a quick reference to complete the assignment.

Activity #1: Canada Job Bank Surveys

Click on the link below to access the survey tools on the Canada Job Bank. Complete all six surveys. This will help you assess your:

Activity #2: Career Explorer Survey

Click on the link below to complete the Career Explorer survey:

Activity #3: U of T Self-Assessment

Click on the link below to complete the U of T Self Assessment

Activity #4: YMCA Learning Styles Assessment

Download the file below and complete the YMCA Learning Styles Assessment:

YMCA Learning Styles Assessment

Activity #5: Better Jobs Ontario Summation of Assessment Results 

Click on the link to download the Better Jobs Ontario Summation of Assessment Results worksheet. Use this worksheet to write a paragraph summarizing your skills, weaknesses, likes and dislikes as well as your expectations about the career that will satisfy your needs and wants. This document will be included in your application and provide credence to your rationale for requesting the support through the Better Jobs Ontario Program. Upload the document to your Better Jobs Ontario Folder that you created in Module 1.