Module 11: Putting it all Together

You have done a lot of work for your application during this course. The object was to prepare yourself for further education and get the documentation together that you need to complete the Better Jobs Ontario application. The Better Jobs Ontario application is an official document which asks the Ministry to consider your request for funding. The more accurate and thorough you are in applying, the sooner your request can be assessed and the sooner you will find out if you have been approved. 

Activity #1: Portfolio Checklist

Download the Portfolio Checklist and use it to make sure you have all the documents required completed and saved in you Better Jobs Ontario Folder. You should have received your acceptance letter from your program. Add this to the folder as well.

*** Important: Your employment counselor will provide a "rationale" or explanation of why you are a good candidate to receive funding and the more evidence you provide by way of accurate documents, the more you will help the counselor prove the point.

Activity #2: Review and Book a Meeting 

Once you have all the required paperwork assembled book a final meeting with your instructor to review and double check the portfolio you have put together for your Better Jobs Ontario application. 

Once you are satisfied with your progress and your portfolio you can book and appointment with Employment Services Counselor to complete next steps in the process.