Golden Apple Winners

Seedlings Nursery

Golden Apple

Ollie B

For being such a great thinker in his learning. Ollie has worked hard to develop his handwriting and is now able to communicate his name clearly.

We are so proud of you Ollie, keep being awesome!

Discovery Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple


For demonstrating her phonics knowledge this week. Parnian has been trying hard to write sentences independently using the taught codes!

Keep it up!

Apollo Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple


For being a caring member of our class. Aiva has helped others with their learning this week and has also given positive feedback when others have shared their learning.

Well done, Aiva!

Jubilee Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple

Zeenat Omar

For having a positive attitude towards her learning. Zeenat has shown great perseverance when learning and is continuing to grow with confidence. Well done Zeenat!

Enterprise Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple


Jake has been open minded this week when communicating his ideas. He has taken risks in his inquiry learning and has created a non-fiction book about the seasons.

Well done, Jake!

Jazzy Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple


For being super principled and balanced in her approach to her learning this week.

Millie has really shown focus this week and completed lots of learning tasks in the class.

Well done, Millie!

Empire Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple


Ollie has been a very principled and caring learner this week. He has been thinking hard about how he presents his work and forming his letters correctly.

We have been really impressed with his effort and attitude. Well done, Ollie!

Pip & Bramley Class



Malcolm worked independently to make a Stick Man model, following visual and written instructions and asking for help when it was needed.

We are so proud of how you used your knowledge of how we made penguins last week to help you with this model. You showed great problem solving skills.

Well done!

Fortune Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple


For being an excellent role model this week.

Sophia has demonstrated a readiness to learn and has written a lovely setting description using fronted adverbials, prepositions and awesome adjectives!

Well done!

Pazazz Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple


Bella has been very knowledgeable in her writing this week. She has shown how to use commas, fronted adverbials and prepositional language.

Well done, Bella!

Ambrosia Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple


For being a principled learner this week. Bonnie has shown respect and readiness in class and excelled in her effort in class.

Well done, Bonnie!

Cameo Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple


For being very knowledgeable in reading this week. Ellie has worked hard on her retrieval skills and is trying super hard to work on her inference skills.

Keep it up, Ellie!

Melrose Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple


For her fantastic attitude to her inquiry learning both in and outside of school. Simona has completed lots of optional tasks from her inquiry homework and enjoys developing her knowledge and communication skills.

Keep it up, Simona!

Zari Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple


For his amazing narrative on migrating animals this week. Tommy-Lee used his imagination and knowledge skills to produce this fantastic piece of writing.

Well done, Tommy-Lee!

Kanzi Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple

Rosie Millen

For being a good communicator this week when discussing our inquiry looking at extreme light variation in Tromso.

Rosie has also persevered with her writing, great work!