Primary Years Programme

Each Unit of Inquiry is designed to provide the children with opportunities to develop different approaches to learning. These encourage the children to explore a variety of learning skills and encourage engagement and independence through their learning. Approaches to learning (ATL) are an integral part of an IB education and complement the learner profile, knowledge, conceptual understanding and inquiry.

Here is a link to a short video explaining the approaches to learning:

Thinking Skills

  • Creative-thinking skills (generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives)

  • Transfer skills (using skills and knowledge in multiple contexts)

  • Reflection/metacognitive skills ((re)considering the process of learning)

  • Critical-thinking skills (analysing and evaluating issues and ideas)

Research Skills

  • Information-literacy skills (formulating and planning, data gathering and recording, synthesizing and interpreting, evaluating and communicating)

  • Media-literacy skills (interacting with media to use and create ideas and information)

  • Ethical use of media/information (understanding and applying social and ethical technology

Communication Skills

  • Exchanging-information skills (listening, interpreting, speaking)

  • Literacy skills (reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information)

  • ICT skills (using technology to gather, investigate and communicate information)

Social Skills

  • Developing positive interpersonal relationships and collaboration skills (using self-control, managing setbacks, supporting peers)

  • Developing social-emotional intelligence

Self-Management Skills

  • Organisation skills (managing time and tasks effectively)

  • States of mind (mindfulness, perseverance, emotional management, self-motivation, resilience)