
18th November 2022

Principal's Message:

What a jam packed week it has been! We started off with Odd Socks Day on Monday to kick off Anti-Bullying week. Our Year 5 pupils visited each class throughout the week and played out scenarios that the children then discussed how to solve. We then had two Parents' Evenings which were a huge success. It makes such a difference being able to do these meetings face to face again. We hope that they were useful and you enjoyed looking at your child's work.

We concluded the week by taking part in Children in Need's "Great Spotacular". It was lovely to see all of the children take part in their own way.

Parent Workshops

We are keen to support our community in understanding how we teach our curriculum, what the children are learning and how parents and carers can support this at home. We have found, however, that we don't get a lot of uptake with regards to parents attending workshops or providing their feedback. To help us improve this, we would like to hear from you! We would really love it if you could pop an email into the office or indeed speak to someone on the gate about what will help to enhance attendance at events such as these? Are parental workshops the way forward? Or could it be something different. We would love to hear your thoughts.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss S Brading

Office Reminders:

Please can you check the personal belongings that your child brings home from school each day. We have a large number of unnamed jumpers and cardigans going missing which are likely going home with children who they do not belong to. Therefore, should you find that you have more uniform items than belong to your child, please do bring these back into school the next day so that we can try to find their correct owner.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the school office email address on and it will be directed to the relevant members of staff.

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:



Key Dates:

Tuesday 22nd November Athlete Visit to School, please support your child with gaining sponsorship for this

Thursday 24th November Parent/Carer Phonics Observation Session, 2.30pm

Friday 25th November Non-Uniform Day in support of Christmas Fair, donations of chocolates/sweets

Thursday 1st December Guitar Assembly (for the parents of those children that have lessons in school)

Friday 2nd December Year 2 SATs Information Parent Meeting

Tuesday 6th December iRock Christmas Concert (for the parents of those children who do iRock in school)

Thursday 8th December Year 5 Trip to Greenwich Royal Observatory

Please note that these are confirmed dates, but should we need to change any due to unforeseen circumstances, we will communicate this with you with as much notice as possible.

National Online Safety Guide

As this week is Anti-Bullying Week, please find below a guide that includes tips such as playing online games with your child, talking about your child's online life and being prepared to listen without showing any judgement or criticism.

Defined as "ongoing, hurtful behaviour towards someone online", cyber-bullying makes its victims feel upset, uncomfortable and unsafe. In the digital world, it has numerous forms - such as hurtful comments on a person's posts or profile; deliberately leaving them out of group chats; sharing embarrassing images or videos of someone; or spreading gossip about them. Cyber-bullying can severely impact a young person's mental health and so, in support of Anti-Bullying Week, the guide below will hopefully provide a list of tips to help trusted adults know what to look for and how to respond to it.