
English Focuses for Term 2


In nursery, we have been focusing on roles in our community and developing our oral speaking skills using new and exciting words.


In Apollo and Discovery classes we have been looking at how celebrations are important. So far this term we have learned about Remembrance Day and the significance of poppies. We wrote sentences about poppies, focusing on letter formation and using our phonics skills to spell words.

Year 1

This term, we have been been learning about different communities across the UK. We have been using the books 'Katie in London' and 'Katie in Scotland', and used this as inspiration to write our own narrative of Katie visiting Maidstone. We did research and focused on sequencing our sentences.

Year 2

This term, we have been focusing on different sentence types in our writing and using a wider range of conjunctions such as and, but and because to link and extend our sentences. We have been writing a persuasive letter and will be writing a short narrative around the book 'Meerkat Mail' that looks at animal communities.

Year 3

The focus for this term in reading is to develop children's retrieval skills by developing their skimming and scanning skills through the use of texts that link in with our Central idea. We will be writing persuasive letters to Olive Dining about using locally sourced food to create a meal. We have been focusing on the skills of persuasive language and key features.

Year 4

The focus for this term in reading is to develop children's retrieval skills by developing their skimming and scanning skills using texts that link in with our Central idea. The focus in writing is develop children's vocabulary and sentence structure across a range of genres, including explanation text and diaries.

Year 5

We have been learning about Earth and it's place within a complex universe. As part his we have been writing a non-chronological report based on a fictional planet Pandora developing and writing using a range types including complex sentences and sentences that contain relative clauses.

Year 6

This term, we have been learning about trade commerce across three past civilisations - Roman, Incas and Greeks. Our writing has focused on using a range of punctuation, specifically semi colons and colons, to write lists. We will be writing a multi-narrative piece using a range of text types and skills.