Social Studies

In Year 2, the children have been exploring 'Flight' as part of their inquiry learning, specifically:

The children have completed lots of writing about their learning as you can see below. Pupils also went on an amazing trip to the RAF Museum in London to look at some early aeroplanes.

Year 3 pupils have been learning about historical artefacts and how they are used. We have looked at the value of these artefacts and how reliable they can be. We will then be using our knowledge of Pompeii to create a newspaper report of the events. 

In RE the children have explored how people pray. We have made a universal symbol for what prayer looks like to us. 

In Year 4, the children have learnt about faith at home. They have explored what objects would be found in a Christian home and the meaning behind some of these main artefacts. 

Pupils have continued to use their knowledge of roman roads and the key features of what these look like.