
Bonjour tout le monde!

(Hello everybody!)


Your children should now have access to Languagenut through their school logins. French is taught formally from Year 3 upwards, but all of the children in the school are encouraged to take part in our French challenges and to learn more about France, its people and culture and the French language.

The Vocab Trainer section of Languagenut is useful for you to check vocabulary yourself if your children should try out the French they have learned at home!

Jubilee and Enterprise Classes

As well as using French greetings to say "hello" in registration, Year 1 pupils have been looking at numbers in French this week. They have been practising counting up to 10.

PIP Class

In Pip Class, Year 1 and 2 pupils have been practising saying "hello" in French and answering the question "Comment ça va?" ("How are you?") by saying " Ça va" and giving a thumbs up or a thumbs down.

Fortune Class

In Fortune Class, Year 3 pupils have been looking at the things they use in the classroom such as pencils and books. They have also started using Languagenut and have loved using the interactive games.

Zari Class

Zari pupils have been set up and completed their first assignments on Language Nut. They have been focusing on how to construct positive and negative sentences.