Golden Apple Winners

Seedlings Nursery

Golden Apple


Luca has been wonderfully reflective this week. He has used his words well to talk about how he is feeling in nursery and also to talk about special experiences he has had outside of nursery with his family. Keep it up Luca!

Apollo Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple


For being a good all round learner this week.

Vincent has totally embraced our inquiry this week and thrown himself into every task. He has shown us how knowledgeable he is when using phonics, how to be a great communicator and share his ideas, and how to be a risk taker and try new things.

Discovery Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple


For applying his phonics skills to write about Marcus Rashford this week. Sam has been very open minded, thinking about how Marcus' actions influence us at school today!

Jubilee Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple


For being knowledgeable in Maths when learning about doubles and arrays. Theo also used super thinking skills to answer the questions.

Well done Theo!

Enterprise Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple


For showing how knowledgeable he is when writing sentences about traditions we know. Malcolm then corrected his work on his own.

Keep up the super work!

Empire Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple


For applying her Maths knowledge of time and being able to read time by using o’clock and half past. Olivia has been a risk taker when explaining her thinking, and has shared her ideas with the class.

Pip & Bramley Class



We have started thinking about The Queen's Platinum Jubilee this week. Lorenzo made his own crown, using a crown that Miss Marchant made as a model. He was a great communicator, asking for the sellotape when he couldn't see it and asking for help when he needed it. Lorenzo concentrated really hard on this activity and made a fantastic crown that he wore all playtime!

Well done!

Fortune Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple


This week, Jordan has written a mission statement for his organisation. He has included conjunctions and worked hard on his cursive handwriting.

Well done!

Pazazz Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple


For being a fantastic communicator in Maths this week. Grace has been able to solve word problems with fractions.

Keep up the great work!

Ambrosia Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple


Ethan has been a fantastic inquirer during our Roman Day and he asked interesting questions all about Queen Boudica and how the Romans lived!

Cameo Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple


Ricky-Lee has worked so hard in Maths this week! He has really focused on our new topic of ‘Roman Numerals’ and showed he was knowledgeable when explaining how these were used in Roman times.

Well done!

Melrose Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple

Jess D

Jess has been awarded the Golden Apple this week for her caring attitude when working with Willow in the mornings, her application of her knowledge to her model of a castle and for being a dedicated play leader.

Well done!

Zari Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple


Toke has been a fantastic inquirer this week. She has completed one of the optional homework tasks to a high standard by researching castles. This was completed at the same time as when we were really busy completing a test. A great effort!

Kanzi Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple


Sophia has been amazing this week when writing her literacy based on Shaun Tan's collection of short stories. She has had to be knowledgeable when including all the appropriate writing features.

Well done Sophia!