Social Studies

Year 3

So far this term we have explored volcanoes and earthquakes. We looked at their locations around the world using Google maps and have been able to locate the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean.  We have been able to use this knowledge to create a non-chronological report about volcanoes. 

Over the next few weeks the children will be learning about Pompeii and what happened. We look forward to sharing this learning with you very soon. 

Year 4

Year 4 pupils have been learning about Roman roads. They have discussed what was the most and least important requirements around why roads were built and created 'diamond nines' to show their thoughts. 

Year 5

Year 5 children have been learning about Queen Elizabeth I and propaganda. They studied portraits of her painted at various times during her reign and matched different portraits to statements, which gave pupils more description about the portrait. The children then labelled different symbols within the 'Ditchley Portrait' in their books.