Additional Course Forms

Non-Credit Course Forms | Course Attribute Forms

Non-Credit Course Forms

Course Attribute Forms

AAOT/ASOT Discipline Studies Applications

Sustainability Form

Use this form to apply to have a course designated as meeting sustainability criteria. Courses with this designation will appear on the Course Schedule under the Sustainability heading. Submit attribute forms using the Revise Course form (link to new Curriculum Management system coming soon)

Program-Embedded Math Application

Use this form to document mathematics instruction, content, and assessment across a CTE program. embedded math content requires a set of core CTE courses that: 

Additionally, be prepared to describe how your program will ensure that students who transfer core program CTE courses from another school will have met the embedded math outcomes, and how you will develop and sustain a community of practice with math faculty.

Human Relations Application

Use this form to apply for one of the following options:

For Career Technical Education (CTE) courses to meet this requirement within a program, a department must fill out the Human Relations form and indicate how their course will meet the criteria. Career Technical courses meeting the human relations requirement are for a specific program or programs only and will not be added to the lower-division HR course list. Include a current syllabus with the HR application. Submit attribute forms using the Revise Course form (link to new Curriculum Management system coming soon)

Current lower-division HR courses

CTE program-embedded HR courses