
ILO 4: Communicate effectively

Students effectively convey, receive, and process information in a variety of contexts and modes with awareness of the influence of audience and purpose.

Example outcomes language:

4.1 Select an effective and appropriate medium (such as face-to-face, written, broadcast, or digital) for conveying the message

4.2 Create and express messages with clear language and nonverbal forms appropriate to the audience and cultural context

4.3 Organize the message to adapt to cultural norms, audience, purpose, and medium

4.4 Support assertions with contextually appropriate and accurate examples, graphics, and quantitative information

4.5 Attend to messages, check for shared meaning, identify sources of misunderstanding, and signal comprehension or non-comprehension

4.6 Demonstrate honesty, openness to alternative views, and respect for others' freedom to dissent

ILO 4 Standard Rubric

ILO 4_ COMMUNICATE post-pilot draft.pdf